I agree with you Heaven...My experiences in life led me to right where I am today...Happily married...and free of suppression.....Thanks
CC Ryder
if you had the power, and ability to change one thing in your life, be it a major life changing thing, or a small but significant thing, tell me what and how you would do it, and how it actually was, and how it would be different after the change.
please don't include jw'ism as that's something we would all want to change
if you tell me yours, i'll tell you mine
I agree with you Heaven...My experiences in life led me to right where I am today...Happily married...and free of suppression.....Thanks
CC Ryder
dear friends,.
just to remind you, my mom has been a faithful jw borg since 1959. she will be 78 in a couple weeks.
she is a widow and lives alone.
Hey Dave....was wondering when I would run into you...Joe told me you were thinking of leaving the borg...glad to see you did....It's been a long while since we talked...email me if you'd like....Waterbury is so far away isn't it....hope to hear from you soon.....!!!
CC Ryder
so, whats the straw that broke the camels back in your life?
what was the final last straw that made you say thats it- no more?
i have so many-for 15 years i kept getting that last straw-and trying to ignore it- but i think the last straw was when my dad died- everyone kept (keeps) giving me the line of bs about never seeing him again unless i go to meetings.
My wife and I both drew the same straw together....she was going thru a very hard time in her life and was dealing with her fathers suicide, her mothers battle against cancer, her abusive life with two previous marrages and a childhood in the Borg....ect...they said that we needed to come to a committee meeting because accusations were made against her and that I needed to be with her....I told two of them one day in front of our apartment that she was not emotionally capable of a committee meeting at this time...and that she was under a doctors care and needed time to get herself back together ...I tried to reason with them to allow me to take care of her and told them it was taking all we had to cope with this private family matter....Just to give us some time...NO DICE....two days later they gave me an ultimatum...be at the KH at 7:00pm or the "Cong" would consider us both Dis-associating ourselves)....I never showed at the KH....best thing we ever did....we do however regret not contacting a lawyer and going out with a bigger bang...but were out....were happy...and will never go back!!!
CC Ryder
ever notice how witnesses seem to have "selective sins"?
last i knew- gluttony was a sin, and to be avoided, yet so many witnesses are overweight!
they just think the end is coming, why be healthy, why lose weight, why work out, blah blah blah.
They sure are selective about their "sins"....Here's a sick story for you...I moved to the south in 95 and was still in the Borg...I was single and was ready to look for a new mate...a sister approched me right away I never ended up with her but was always nice to her...and became friends...she had two children and was divorced about three yrs...I learned later that she had problems with drinking and had been DF'ed a few years proir to this...long story short...I left that Cong and started to fade out of the Borg when one day at work I noticed her out in the factory working on the project I was assigned to...we met just before lunch and she came up to me in tears...saying that she could not talk to me ...she was DF'ed again...I told her not to worry and offered a listening ear...She told me her daughter had been seduced by a guy in the cong who was inactive but his family was still very active...this guy after many months of planning kids "get-togethers"....lured her along with him..out of state for two months on the road...buying her things and having his way with her...during her absence her mother was devistated...she was advised not to go to the autorities...that this man was in contact with his "wife and they were trying to lure him back...she said the pressure of waiting led her to drink again...and she was caught by someone and wound up getting DF'ed...do you believe that....the kicker is ...I know two of the guys who she said was on her committee...I personally seen both men drunk after drinking for hours on end..( I was visiting one of them and did not drink myself)...but these guys had the nerve to do DF this poor sister while their own behavior deserved the same punishment they subjected her to...I guess they are untouchable...she went on to tell me her daughter was back with her and she was "OK"...she said she was being advised not to press charges on him...I advised her to ignore what they told her and take the guy to the authorities and get him into prison...She followed my advice...he was sent to prison..."do as I say...NOT as I do"...many. many more cases just like this one....selective sins...
Thanks for sharing your story....keep posting.
CC Ryder
anyone on here have a "most embarrasing witness moment" from childhood?
mine is from 7th grade- that was 20 years ago- but i still cringe when i think of it.
almost too hard to write down- but maybe it will be therapeutic & part of the healing process?
My father was in the military during WW2 and I always was intrigued by his experiences he shared with me...he was particularly found of Ike...I also loved the old war flicks...when Ike died I was in the eigth grade..the school principal had the whole school go out front to where the flagpole was ...it was at half-mast and he asked us all to give pledge of allegience in respect for the passing of former president Eisenhower...well...at that moment my knees got week...a thousand things went thru my mind....I wanted so much to be a part of giving my respect along with the hundreds of my classmates...but succomed to my inner guilt of what I was taught by the Borg....I don't know how I wound up in the front of everybody else but I was only a few feet from the principle....I chose not to raise my hand to my heart and remained silent....during the pledge the principle looked me in the eye and yelled for me to participate....I kept silent...he ordered me to his office after the service was over....in his office he really reemed me out...I didn't care for his method but I was embarased for not showing respect to someone who had died and was a great leader...I also took alot of ridicule from my classmates for weeks...I know also how it feels for children to sit while others stand during the national anthem and the guilt that was laided on us about not going to graduation because it was too patriotic....(I went to mine anyway and glad I did)....I feel for the kids in the Borg....
CC Ryder
i guess it's time for me to tell my story on this forum.
my parents came into contact with the "truth" during their engagement and so i was born into a borg family and quickly "assimilated.
" the congregation i grew up in however had very liberal views on many subjects, such as higher education, secular careers, and the like.
Mackin....Thanks so much for sharing your story....feel free to vent more about the "bethelite" experiences....The more I read about experiences from others in different parts of the world the more it reassures me that my own choice to leave was absolutely the right one...
Look forward to hearing more from you
CC Ryder
don't let this title startle you.
i'm not starting a flame war.
this is something that i've thought a lot about since i have two dogs.
Hey Puffsrule...I agree with you about us men...we shy away from emotions...but in my case I met a GREAT person with the same background as I...growing up in the Borg..She posts quite alot...I think she goes by Tinkerbell...we met after I moved down to the south from up in the northeast back in 95...I was divorced for 2 years and still in the Borg...she was coming back in and newly re-instated....I was counseled to steer clear of her because she was not spiritually sound yet...HUH...thank God I ignored that piece of shit counsel...my so-called best friends told me they would support me in whomever i chose for a new mate (as long as they approved...HUH)...My first wife up north was a pioneer...from the day we got married back in 74...just out of high school and ready for the END in 75...about 85...i got sick and tired of hearing her complain how tuff it was to pioneer and have seven or eight studies each week and go to meetings and give talks....I had to drive 50-60 miles each way to work...worked 50 hours a week and was too tired to go to most meetings...I really tried to listen to her the first few years...but got fed up with her complaints and not listening to my suggestions...she got involved with a MS from another Cong who along with his pioneer wife...were up till then our best friends...after many years of struggling thru our problems..she devised a plan to be able to divorce me....she went with this MS and did just enough to warrent me having the "scriptual" grounds for divorce...she got only reproof...but it resulted in his being DF'ed and later...after both of our divorces...she wound up getting involved with him again and got caught and wound up getting DF'ed...which lead to me bailing out of the northeast and heading South...I met my present wife right away....she's told her story here and has shared quite a bit with you all...we became close friends right away and hung out and un-officially dated without too many of the Bro's knowing...She has helped me express my feelings and to be more sensitive to people in general...Men are very tight lipped about emotions...maybe they feel it to be a sign of weekness...but I enjoy all conversations with people of all types...she does too...We both grew together as learning the grip and control of the Borg...how you get sucked into it...like MUD....but we also learned that making the choice to climb out and get free was the best thing we ever did...I am a totally different person and I owe alot to my wife..we helped each other thru alot of real hard times...I've been reading these posts alot more often..I should have posted more than I have in the past...but I intend to more as time goes on.....below is a comment more on the lines of this thread.....
I was a bit of a renegade growing up in the 60's and 70's in the Borg...I had a Dad who was an Elder after I "straightened up" and left home to marry a pioneer...but teen years were wild...the shit we all did was unreal!!!!!....there were about 15 or 16 of us that hung out at various times...we found away around the chapparone thing and quite often were alone...guys and girls alike...just cutting loose and enjoying the rock and roll, drugs and whatever...but we all became good friends...looked out for each other over the years...only two that I know of are still in the Borg...Even with what we thought as freedom....we still had to go thru a great deal of scheming and sneeking and lieing...just to have some fun...that part I can relate to...the suppression that got placed on kids in the Borg...I did notice that the girls had it more tuff...it was harder for them to join us without a crowd around to watch over us. I resented authority of the Elders back as a teen...associated with "worldly" classmates...and tried to get away with as much as I could...I am glad for the experience it gave me and also the companions I had at the time...I'll never forget them all..I do not know what actually happens in a persons mind ...to finally make the choice of bailing out...but it almost always results in far greater happiness over time....we got out in 99 (officially that is )...and I started to feel better about leaving almost immediately...I had some guilt about dissappointing my father (mother was never a witness)...but that has dissapated....anyone that is just now getting out...you'll soon realize it was the best thing you could have ever done...!!!!
Hang in there Newbies!!!!!!!
CC Ryder
theocratic ministry school (tms) pet peeve of mine is found below.
please feel free to add any that you find as annoying and hypocritical as mine.... last night, brother gramaton* delivered the # 2 talk (bible reading).
he received all of this "wonderful, upbuilding" counsel from brother hank*, the school overseer.
Your right Mr. Biggs...It's a shame...I've heard poor little 10 year olds give better talks than some of the Elders...Too bad they have a hard time convincing their parents that they should go to college and advance their brilliance...I've seen alot in my time in....I was raised in it...went thru the 60's,70's,80's and almost thru the 90's...my wife and I both got out in 99...I remember sisters crying over counsel and some left the school because of being humiliated...My observation is that 90% of those in charge came from mediocre backgrounds with no authority over anything...then they get to rule over others and WHAM....Their all of a sudden Counselors ....and they really get into the whole thing....I had a best friend who is still Like Hitler....I'm not even exagurating..(pardon the spelling...I'm a Mech.Engineer and we cant spell...LOL)....He ran the school for many years...a bunch of the youth would help him...taking time with an egg timer...writing down G,W,or I....filling in future assignments....ect...we started to cheat alittle....giving some better marks than they got...yep....we got caught...I was called a worthless loser..with no future in the Organization and almost was taken off the school...later in life I started to hang around and became close friends with him and his family...I've seen him beat his wife on more than one occasion...(I was as brainwashed as everyone else at the time..so I never said anything)...he was always extremely harsh verbally to his mother(whom he took in after his father died)....it's funny how you keep things locked up inside and then it all starts to come back piece by piece...it's a real long story...maybe some other time I'll express some of it....I feel ashamed I never spoke up at the time...and your very right Mr. Biggs...it is like that in every Cong.....!!!!...Not just a few cases either....ALOT....but he still got up there every Thursday night and counseled people on poise, speech quality, humility....HUH....and all the rest of it....Hopefully people will gradually see what it really is...Control....and they will wake up...Later MB
CC Ryder
theocratic ministry school (tms) pet peeve of mine is found below.
please feel free to add any that you find as annoying and hypocritical as mine.... last night, brother gramaton* delivered the # 2 talk (bible reading).
he received all of this "wonderful, upbuilding" counsel from brother hank*, the school overseer.
One of my talks was on the night the C.O. was visiting the Cong....Up till then when I went alittle over...(usually I was pretty good at timing)...they would never make a big deal....BUT....on this night I went 15 seconds past the time and the TSO ordered the sound to be cut-off!!!!!!....To say the least....I was pretty pissed off....everybody got a big kick out of it.....then the concluding talk by the C.O. went 15 minutes over...he had to tell everybody how good they were doing.....BUT....Jehovah wants us to put our best forward..BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.....Guilt-Guilt-Guilt.....what a releif not being in that suppressing, humiliating, demeaning B.S.
back in the late eighties i was on the committee to build our cities new double kingdom hall so that all five halls would be under one roof.
we needed to come up with five hundred thousand dollars to complete the new hall, so we had a kingdom hall fund drive where the local brothers would raise the needed funds.
after two years we had collected the half million dollars, and guess where that money went????????
Hey GeddyLee....Enjoyed your post....your experience sounded very familiar...I was envolved with an identical situation...wonder if it's the same place...when I left the area there were six Cong's in the building and the building was on about 27 acres of land that the WTS is keeping in their pocket for future possible Assembly Hall...also there were 2 apartments above the KH's that they were collecting rent on.....Sound like the same joint???....Keep posting....I'm not really new to the boards...I've posted under my wife's user name....thought I'd become official....LOLOL....we go back about 3-1/2 years of posting...it's changed hands a few times.....Later.....CC